Call, email or check the website for Membership Application
Phone: 262-255-2960
Fax: 262-255-1827
Regular Business Membership is designated for any business (corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships and individuals). Regular Business Members must have a current Federal EIN or Wisconsin State Sales Tax number. The business must be located within the Village of Lannon, Wisconsin boundaries with a 53046 zip code and must have a stated interest in Lannon. Regular members are entitled to one vote per business and may serve in any position on the Board of Directors.
Affiliate Business Membership is designated for any business (corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships and individuals) and shall be entitled to all rights and benefits commensurate therewith. Affiliate Business Member must have a current Federal EIN or Wisconsin Sales Tax number. The business may be located outside the Village of Lannon boundaries, but must be within Waukesha County and must have a stated interest in Lannon. Affiliate members are entitled to one vote per business and may serve only in “at large” positions on the Board of Directors.
Association Membership is designated for any nongovernmental entity that is civic or service in nature and must have elected officers, minimum membership of 10 people, meet regularly (monthly, quarterly), and a set of by-laws stating their area of representation and purpose. The association must be located within the Village of Lannon, Wisconsin boundaries with a 53046 zip code and must have a stated interest in Lannon. Association members may not vote and may not serve on the Board of Directors.
Yearly Membership Costs
Regular $25
Affiliate $40
Association $25
All new membership applicants will owe a one-time $25.00 Initiation Fee to be added to the yearly dues.